Current details will be published ahead of any concerts on the concerts page
Is my child too young to come to a BabyGig?
No! BabyGigs are specifically designed for babies from birth and their families. There is even growing research that suggests that interaction with live music is an innate human need for babies and infants!
My child won’t sit still. Will that be a problem?
Absolutely not! Every child responds differently to music and a concert situation: some run around ignoring the performers, some listen for a bit, some sit still, some dance….the list is endless. The concerts are very informal and relaxed, with both floor seating and chairs. There is plenty of interaction if they want to take part, but there is no obligation!
What sort of music do you play?
It varies with each musician and instrument, but the concerts generally have a mixture of classical, jazz, contemporary, film and musical music. The pieces are short with a variety of moods.
Who are the musicians?
BabyGigs is lucky enough to draw on some of the top professional musicians in the UK, many of whom live in the Midlands; in addition to high profile performing careers they are experienced and excellent educators, who really enjoy playing their instruments to young audiences.
What is the difference between BabyGigs and KoolGigs?
BabyGigs were set up to present music to babies, young children and their carers. KoolGigs evolved in response to a growing demand for music in schools and the evident popularity of our weekend concerts. To find out more, click here.
Are there baby-changing facilities?
Yes, in all venues. Please see individual venue pages for details.
Can I bring a pushchair?
Yes, there is plenty of space in all of the venues. Please see individual venue pages for details.
Can I breastfeed my child?
Breastfeeding is welcome at all our concerts.
Can I bring snacks for my toddler?
Yes, but we ask that any rubbish is either taken away with you or you use the bins provided.